Although manufacture and use of chlorinated insecticides was banned or severely restricted in most of countries in the 1970s, the residues of these compounds are still detected in various environmental matrices all over the world. Their highest levels are found in adipose tissue of beings at the top of food chain, including humans. Levels of persistent organochlorine compounds in human specimens are monitored by numerous scientific organizations in various countries, including Poland. The purpose of the study was to survey the current levels of selected organochlorine insecticides (isomers alpha-, beta-, gamma-, delta-HCH, o,p'- and p,p'-DDT, DDE i DDE, oxy-chlordane and heptachlor) in women's breast adipose tissue which can be an indicator of body burden. A total of 67 samples of adipose breast tissue collected between 1997 and 2001 from non-cancer patients, aged from 15 to 74 years have been analyzed. The analytical procedure included extraction, clean-up and analysis by means of GC-ECD with GC-MS confirmation. In all the samples analyzed p,p'-DDE, p,p'-DDT and beta-HCH were present (mean values, expressed as mg/kg of fat: 0.7700, 0.0720, and 0.0635 respectively) with p,p'-DDE, found to be dominant analyte. The levels of the remaining compounds, were usually about or below the method quantification limits (from 0.0025 to 0.0060 mg/kg of fat). The results for DDTs and beta-HCH for the oldest group (above 50 years) were 2.1 to 3.6 times higher than the youngest group (below 39 years). The results obtained in this study are similar to those reported in analogous samples collected from women living in other European countries with similar climate and history or organochlorines usage as well as in the USA. The presence of some organo-chlorine insecticide residues in women's adipose tissue, even those, who were born even 10-15 years after most countries introduced severe restrictions or banned the use of these compounds may be cause for anxiety. That is due to the potential of these compounds to promote toxic effects, including disrupting the human endocrine system.