The Lurcher mutation transforms the GRID2 receptor into a constitutively opened channel. In Lurcher heterozygous mice, cerebellar Purkinje cells are permanently depolarized, a characteristic that has been thought to be the primary cause of their death, which occurs from the second postnatal week onward. The more dramatic phenotype of Lurcher homozygotes is thought to be due to a simple gene dosage effect of the mutant allele. We have analyzed the phenotype of Lurcher/hotfoot heteroallelic mutants bearing only one copy of the Lurcher allele and no wild-type Grid2. Our results show that the absence of wild-type GRID2 receptors in these heteroallelic mutants induces an early and massive Purkinje cell death that is correlated with early signs of autophagy. This neuronal death is independent of depolarization and can be explained by the direct activation of autophagy by Lurcher GRID2 receptors through the recently discovered signaling pathway formed by GRID2, n-PIST, and Beclin1.