This is the ninth update of the human obesity gene map, incorporating published results through October 2002 and continuing the previous format. Evidence from single-gene mutation obesity cases, Mendelian disorders exhibiting obesity as a clinical feature, quantitative trait loci (QTLs) from human genome-wide scans and various animal crossbreeding experiments, and association and linkage studies with candidate genes and other markers is reviewed. For the first time, transgenic and knockout murine models exhibiting obesity as a phenotype are incorporated (N = 38). As of October 2002, 33 Mendelian syndromes relevant to human obesity have been mapped to a genomic region, and the causal genes or strong candidates have been identified for 23 of these syndromes. QTLs reported from animal models currently number 168; there are 68 human QTLs for obesity phenotypes from genome-wide scans. Additionally, significant linkage peaks with candidate genes have been identified in targeted studies. Seven genomic regions harbor QTLs replicated among two to five studies. Attempts to relate DNA sequence variation in specific genes to obesity phenotypes continue to grow, with 222 studies reporting positive associations with 71 candidate genes. Fifteen such candidate genes are supported by at least five positive studies. The obesity gene map shows putative loci on all chromosomes except Y. More than 300 genes, markers, and chromosomal regions have been associated or linked with human obesity phenotypes. The electronic version of the map with links to useful sites can be found at