Stimulation electrodes are implanted under general anesthesia, without intra-operative electrophysiology or clinical testing, based only on stereotactic MRI and direct anatomical localization of the postero-ventro-basal GPi. We retrospectively analyzed the surgical procedure that has been designed and implemented in our center, using the Leksell G frame, for initiating deep brain stimulation in 65 dystonic patients. We report the surgical technique and the hardware and software complications. We recommend immediate postoperative stereotactic MRI under general anesthesia as a prerequisite to check the reliability of MR acquisition (magnet stability) and the exact localization of each electrode. This technique allowed us to reduce the duration of the operation to 4 h, including general anesthesia, frame fixation, MRI acquisition, implantation of two electrodes under radioscopic control, immediate postoperative stereotactic MRI and frame removal. Surgery-related morbidity was very low with a 0% hemorrhage rate and three delayed unilateral infections re-operated 6 months later. Hardware and software complications were rare. The advances in 3D-MR imaging permit the electrode implantation for deep brain stimulation without resorting to intraoperative localization techniques, which is especially helpful in children and for treating dystonia. The maximum follow-up period is 58 months (first case: November 1996). GPi stimulation has proven to be an effective treatment for most dystonic syndromes with particular efficacy in the disease due to the DYT1 mutation.
Copyright 2002 S. Karger AG, Basel