The authors report the implantation of a Palmaz stent in the superficial femoral artery using an approach not previously described, the peroneal artery. A 64-year-old man was admitted with extensive necrosis of the right foot. Physical examination showed a normal right femoral pulse but absence of popliteal and tibial pulses. Arteriography showed a superficial femoral artery with critical stenoses but a normal profunda artery. A classic below-knee amputation was performed. During the procedure, the muscular blood flow was considered insufficient, by clinical experience, to achieve limb healing at this level, and so the surgeon chose to perform an angioplasty of the superficial femoral artery lesion, utilizing an access through the leg arteries. After introducing the guidewire through the peroneal artery, the surgeon successfully dilated the lesion and implanted a Palmaz stent. Afterward, the popliteal pulse became palpable in physical examination and improved the skin and muscular aspect in this level. The surgery was finished with a closed stump. The surgery healed satisfactorily, without any complications, and the patient had a satisfactory follow-up, with ambulatory rehabilitation, and recovery of walking capacity with a leg prosthesis. The peroneal approach gave satisfactory results and should be considered in clinical situations like this.