The results of the first survey carried out in northern Spain to determine atmospheric deposition of metals by analysis of terrestrial mosses, are described. Samples of different mosses, mainly Hypnum cupressiforme and Scleropodium purum, were collected from 134 sampling sites, between 1995 and 1996. Levels of Al, As, Cr, Cu, Fe, Hg, Ni, Pb and Zn, were determined by flame atomic absorption or atomic fluorescence spectrophotometry. Regression analysis was used to compare the capacity of the selected moss species to accumulate the elements, and intercalibration of accumulation in these species was carried out where necessary. Distribution maps were prepared to allow the zones most affected by metal deposition to be identified and to relate this to known sources of contamination: electricity power stations and other industries (e.g. Hg and Ni), edaphic contamination (e.g. Al and Cr) and road traffic (Pb). Background levels of metals in each species were also determined for the study area.