Background: The bispectral index (BIS) may indicate changes in cerebral activity when the cerebral circulation is affected by acute hypotension.
Methods: We measured BIS and cerebral haemoglobin saturation (Sr(O(2))) by near-infrared spectroscopy in 10 children undergoing cardiac surgery.
Results: We noted 14 episodes of simultaneous decreases in Sr(O(2)) and BIS during acute hypotension in five children. An acute decrease in BIS, which coincided with a decrease in Sr(O(2)) suggesting a reduction in cerebral blood flow, was associated with acute slowing of the raw EEG waveforms.
Conclusions: Our findings suggest that an acute decrease in BIS during acute hypotension indicates cerebral hypoperfusion, and that cerebral hypoperfusion caused by hypotension may occur frequently during paediatric cardiac surgery.