Objectives: The aim of the study was to examine sperm chromosomes from infertile males with teratozoospermia.
Design: Basic research study
Materials and methods: Spermatozoa were obtained from infertile males with teratozoospermia. Intracytoplasmic sperm injection was used to inject human spermatozoa into mouse oocytes in order to examine sperm chromosomes.
Results: Chromosomes of spermatozoa obtained from 6 infertile teratozoospermic and 1 fertile normozoospermic males were investigated. The mean frequency of structural chromosome aberrations in amorphous, motile spermatozoa was similar to that of morphologically normal sperm (9 vs. 7.7%). The structural aberrations found in amorphous, immotile spermatozoa reached 93% and revealed severity was significant.
Conclusions: Teratozoospermia per se did not increase the frequency of structural chromosome aberrations in sperm. Severe chromosomal damage was revealed when immotile spermatozoa were injected into oocytes by ICSI.