An official control method in the framework of Council Directive 70/524/EEC for probiotic yeast used as feed additives was validated in a collaborative study by twenty laboratories in 12 European Countries. A pour plate method following ISO 7954 using chloramphenicol glucose yeast extract (CGYE) and a plate count method using CHROMagar Candida were used. Precision data in terms of repeatability (r) and reproducibility (R) of the method using different feeding stuffs and three inoculation levels were determined. Yeast was present in the samples in mixtures with other probiotic feed additives at a lower, a higher concentration or not present. The enumeration of yeast on CGYE agar showed for the lower and higher concentration a RSD(r) of 2.4-4.9% and a RSD(R) of 7.7-8%, respectively and was preferred by the majority of labs. CHROMagar Candida had a RSD(r) of 1.9-2.8% and a RSD(R) of 1.9-5.9%. For routine analysis the use of the pour plate technique is recommended. CHROMagar Candida can be used for confirmation of the species Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The methods are not recommended for mineral feeds. The results from this study are intended for consideration for adoption as CEN and ISO standards.