What is the National Cancer Institute (NCI) doing to enhance the state of the science for measuring and understanding patient-centered outcomes of cancer care and to make this information useful for improved decision making? The NCI has a new focus on research that describes, interprets, and predicts the impact of various influences, especially interventions, on end points that matter to decision makers. The research includes end points such as survival, health-related quality of life, satisfaction and patient experience, and economic burden. To further this work, NCI supports and conducts research to (1) identify valid, reliable, responsive, and feasible end-point measures; (2) collect high-quality evidence about the impact of interventions on the end points of interest; (3) improve our understanding of the effects of other factors that shape this interaction; and (4) expand our capacity to translate research findings into information that is useful to patients, clinical policy makers, payers, regulators, standard setters, and providers of cancer care.