Patients in remission with advanced acute lymphatic leukemia were randomly assigned to receive chemotherapy alone or chemotherapy plus immunotherapy with a Burkitt lymphoma tissue culture cell line (RAJI). Remission duration in both groups were identical. Complement-dependent cytotoxic antibody was seen in 5 of 8 immunized patients and 0 of 8 controls. This antibody reacted with RAJI and both allogeneic and autologous acute leukemia cells. Antibody titers began to rise after 2 months, peaked at 4 months, and then declined prior to relapse in all patients. The time course of the increase in mixed-leukocyte culture response to RAJI was similar to immunized patients. An increased in vitro response to phytohemagglutinin was seen during drug administration in all patients. Although no clinical benefit was seen in this small number of patients with the RAJI injections, these in vitro responses are encouraging and new immunization schedules will be investigated.