Background: Indoor dust mite and cat allergens have been related to the risk of atopic conditions. If allergen levels are influenced by modifiable residential characteristics, potential interventions to prevent disease could be deployed.
Objective: To evaluate relationships between allergen concentrations in air and dust samples and selected house and household characteristics using a large prospective study with multiple sequential allergen measurements from each residence.
Methods: Fel d 1, Der f 1, and Der p 1 were measured in paired air and dust samples collected at intervals throughout 4 years in suburban homes. House and household characteristics were examined for relationships to allergen concentrations in both univariate and multiple variate analyses.
Results: The relationships between house and household characteristics and allergen concentrations in both air and dust were complex. When the housing variables were considered in multiple variate analysis, concentrations of Der f 1 in dust increased with increasing number of residents and relative humidity and declined when forced air heating was used. Dust concentrations of Der p 1 were lower in new homes and during forced air heating use but higher with higher relative humidity and in the presence of dogs. The presence of cats was the dominant determinant of Fel d 1 in both air and dust, but when homes without cats were analyzed separately, dust levels of Fel d 1 were inversely related with relative humidity.
Conclusions: Air and dust concentrations of Der p 1 and Der f 1 were positively related to relative humidity and the size of the family. Fel d 1 was positively related to the presence of cats. The relationship of other house or household characteristics was inconsistent but different for Der f 1 and Der p 1.