Enantiomeric separation of some selected acidic compounds of pharmaceutical interest belonging to the group of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs were separated by capillary electrochromatography employing silica based glycopeptide antibiotic stationary phases, namely vancomycin or a teicoplanin derivatives (Hepta-Tyr). The vancomycin stationary phase allowed to achieve the chiral resolution of some racemic studied compounds only using mobile phases containing ammonium formate at a relatively low pH 2.5-3.5 and acetonitrile. Employing the teicoplanin derivative stationary phase, good enantiomeric resolution was achieved eluting with mobile phases containing sodium phosphate pH 6-acetonitrile. Enantiomers were moved to the detector because a relatively high reversed electroosmotic flow (due to the positive charge of the stationary phase) and to the electrophoretic mobility of analytes.