Low power laser irradiation (LPLI) has been used in the treatment of peripheral nerve injury. In this study, we verified its therapeutic effect on neuronal regeneration by finding elevated immunoreactivities (IRs) of growth-associated protein-43 (GAP-43), which is up-regulated during neuronal regeneration. Twenty Sprague-Dawley rats received a standardized crush injury of the sciatic nerve, mimicking the clinical situations accompanying partial axonotmesis. The injured nerve received calculated LPLI therapy immediately after injury and for 4 consecutive days thereafter. The walking movements of the animals were scored using the sciatic functional index (SFI). In the laser treated rats, the SFI level was higher in the laser treated animals at 3-4 weeks while the SFIs of the laser treated and untreated rats reached normal levels at 5 weeks after surgery. In immunocytochemical study, although GAP-43 IRs increased both in the untreated control and the LPLI treated groups after injury, the number of GAP-43 IR nerve fibers was much more increased in the LPLI group than those in the control group. The elevated numbers of GAP-43 IR nerve fibers reached a peak 3 weeks after injury, and then declined in both the untreated control and the LPLI groups at 5 weeks, with no differences in the numbers of GAP-43 IR nerve fibers of the two groups at this stage. This immunocytochemical study using GAP-43 antibody study shows for the first time that LPLI has an effect on the early stages of the nerve recovery process following sciatic nerve injury.