A commercial ELISA detecting antibodies against bovine viral diarrhoea Virus (BVDV) was analysed for its applicability for bulk-milk screening. Detection limits were analysed using native and concentrated milk samples (milk treated with rennet and ammonium sulfate precipitated) from 10 cows whose sera showed different reactivity levels in the ELISA and from two cows which gave birth to persistently infected calves during the last year. Further this and a second commercial ELISA were used to screen 591 randomly selected bulk-milk samples. To clarify discrepancies thirty-nine herds were included in a follow-up study. A second bulk-milk sample and serum samples from 10 young cattle of 6 to 28 month of age per herd were analysed for antibodies against BVDV. The results of this second testing and the detection of viremic animals in 4 herds confirmed the results from initial bulk-milk testing with both tests. The analysed test is suitable for bulk-milk testing although its application is limited by vaccination.