Diadromus pulchellus is a solitary endoparasitoid wasp that parasitizes the pupae of the leek-moth, Acrolepiosis assectella (Lepidoptera). Hitherto, every individual D. pulchellus from France that has been investigated was infected by an orthoreovirus, DpRV-1, and an ascovirus, DpAV-4. Recently, a new strain of D. pulchellus, established from a French field population, was found to be able to develop on leek-moth pupae, but lacked both DpRV-1 and DpAV-4. However, all these wasps were infected with a new cypovirus, DpRV-2. This cypovirus is transmitted to the A. assectella pupae at each wasp oviposition and is replicated mainly in the gut cells of the parasitized pupae. DpRV-2, like the ascovirus DpAV-4, is able to inhibit the defence reaction of A. assectella pupae and so contributes to the parasitic success of D. pulchellus wasps.