A human case of Echinostoma cinetorchis infection was found in Seoul Paik Hospital on August 1987. Large trematode eggs, 98.9 x 62.7 micro-m in average size, were detected in stool examination. The eggs had a small-sized operculum and abopercular wrinkling. After treatment with praziquantel(single dose of 16.2 mg/kg) and purgation with magnesium citrate, an adult fluke was collected. It was 8.0 mm long, equipped with 37 collar spines around head crown, and had only one testis just behind the Mehlis' gland. It was identified as E. cinetorchis Ando et Ozaki, 1923. The patient is an 18-year old man residing in Seoul, and was hospitalized due to nephritis. He had eaten raw meat juice of fresh water fishes such as top minnows(Oryzias latipes) and loaches, or tadpoles, which are considered possible souce of this fluke infection. This is the 4th human case of E. cinetorchis infection in Korea.