Lumbar hernia, a defect of the posterior abdominal wall, is a very rare condition. The repair of a posterior abdominal wall hernia by simply closing the hernia port with sutures may not be adequate, especially when the herniation is due to a weakness in the abdominal wall. Recently, a simple, logical method of tension-free repair has become a popular means for the treatment of various abdominal wall hernias. Previous studies have advocated the use of tension-free repair for lumbar hernia; the technique uses a mesh replacement and requires an extensive incision. Herein we present a case of superior lumbar hernia. Our technique consisted of a laparoscopic tension-free hernioplasty with the application of a Prolene mesh. This technique, which provides an excellent operative view, is safe, feasible, and minimally invasive. We conclude that laparoscopic tension-free repair should be the preferred option for the treatment of lumbar hernia.