Aim: The presentation of solid pseudopapillary tumors of the pancreas (SPTP) with examples of our own surgical department. SPTP occur typically in young women or in children and are for most of benign behavior. In about 5 % a malignant course with occurrence of metastases can develop.
Methods: Diagnosis, morphological and histological findings and therapeutic approach are described in three cases. The differential diagnosis of other tumors of the pancreas is discussed.
Findings: Three women (age 21, 33 and 43) with SPTP have been treated in the Department of Surgery at the University of Würzburg between 1997-1999. All tumors were resected curatively. No adjuvant treatment was performed. The follow up ranged from 31-56 months. No relapse of disease or occurrence of metastases were observed. All resected specimen revealed the typical character of SPTP with areas of solid parts and hemorrhage within the tumor. A panel of immunohistological markers (Vimentin, N-Cam, NSE, Chromogranin, Synaptophysin, Ck7, Ck19, Ck20, EMA) and expression of receptors were investigated.
Conclusion: The diagnosis of this rare tumor can be made clinically and intraoperatively according to its typical morphology and occurrence, predominantly in young women or in children thus helping to perform adequate surgical therapy.