Based upon the above data, it is now possible to formulate a working model that defines the stages of B cell development on which stromal cells and their products act. During the initial stages of this process, pro-B cells which do not express Ig heavy or light chain protein or other non-Ig B lineage associated molecules develop into B220 and c mu expressing pre-B cells in response to a low (< 10 kD) molecular weight stromal cell derived factor. No defined interleukin or colony stimulating factor, including molecules such as KL and IL-7, can replace stromal cell conditioned medium in mediating this developmental step. There appears to be little cell proliferation associated with the differentiation of pro-B cells into pre-B cells. However, our data indicate that as precursors develop into B220 expressing B cell progenitors, they become sensitive to the proliferation stimulating effects of IL-7 and KL. These results are in accord with findings that progenitor cells that have undergone DJH rearrangements are particularly sensitive to KL and IL-7(18,19). The analysis of pre-B cells present in individual lymphoid colonies indicates that once cells have rearranged and expressed their Ig heavy chain genes, they are no longer sensitive to KL and IL-7. These observations are based on the fact that receptors for these cytokines are not expressed in stromal cell dependent pre-B cells and are consistent with kinetic studies showing that the maturation of pre-B cells into surface Ig expressing B lymphocytes is not dependent upon cell proliferation21.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)