Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry analyses of the headspace volatiles of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) induced by egg deposition of the sawfly Diprion pini were conducted. The odor blend of systemically oviposition-induced pine twigs. attractive for the eulophid egg parasitoid Chrysonotomyia ruforum, was compared to volatiles released by damaged pine twigs (control) that are not attractive for the parasitoid. The mechanical damage inflicted to the control twigs mimicked the damage by a sawfly female prior to egg deposition. The odor blend released by oviposition-induced pine twigs consisted of numerous mono- and sesquiterpenes, which all were also present in the headspace of the artificially damaged control twigs. A quantitative comparison of the volatiles from oviposition-induced twigs and controls revealed that only the amounts of (E)-beta-farnesene were significantly higher in the volatile blend of the oviposition-induced twigs. Volatiles from pine twigs treated with jasmonic acid (JA) also attract the egg parasitoid. No qualitative differences were detected when comparing the composition of the headspace of JA-treated pine twigs with the volatile blend of untreated control twigs. JA-treated pine twigs released significantly higher amounts of (E )-beta-farnesene. However, the JA treatment induced a significant increase of the amount of further terpenoid components. The release of terpenoids by pine after wounding, egg deposition, and JA treatment is discussed with special respect to (E)-beta-farnesene.