The diversity of 16S-23S rDNA intergenic spacer regions (ISR) among cellulolytic myxobacterial strains was assayed. Agarose gel electrophoresis of PCR amplification products from ten strains shows that there are at least four copies of rRNA operons in the genus Sorangium, based on their size and restriction enzymatic digest maps. There are two sequence organization patterns: tRNA(Ile)-tRNA(Ala)-containing ISR and tRNA-lacking ISR. The tRNA-containing ISRs are highly similar among strains and within a strain (more than 98% similarity) and contain the essential functional regions, such as a ribonuclease III recognition site and an antiterminator recognition site boxA. The tRNA-lacking ISR has no such functional sites that are important for yielding mature rRNA, which suggests that this type of rRNA operons might be degenerate. The tRNA-lacking ISR is divided into two types based on their sizes and sequences, which exhibits about 90% similarity within each type. Thus, the tRNA-lacking ISR polymorphisms can be used to discriminate among different strains of sorangial species.