131I-labelled bengali pink was used to perform radiohepatography in patients with circulatory failure. Both amplitude-time parameters of blood clearance curves and hepatograms and the generalized index of parameters of the linear 3-chambered reversible model of this tracer transport in the body indicate that the decrease of hepatic absorptive and excretory function in the presence of 131I-labelled bengali pink occurs in a direct relationship to the degree of circulatory insufficiency and developed in parallel with bilirubin metabolic disturbances. In some patients, hepatic lesion in the presence of Stages IIB-III circulatory insufficiency with signs of hepatocellular failure and cholestasis was accompanied only by moderate hepatic absorptive and excretory dysfunction against 131I-labelled bengali pink and by an increase in blood total bilirubin levels no more than that in Stage IIA circulatory insufficiency.