Patients with Kuttner tumours present with clinical features simulating a submandibular tumour. This article aims to familiarise sonologists with the sonographic appearances of these tumours, to help in their differentiation from other salivary lesions. In 13 patients with histologically or cytologically proven Kuttner tumours, the features evaluated on sonography included: shape and border of the gland, internal architecture, duct dilatation, presence/absence of calculi and presence and distribution of vascularity. There was diffuse involvement of the submandibular glands in 11 patients and focal involvement in 2. The majority (9 of 11) of the patients with diffuse involvement showed sonographic appearances simulating a "cirrhotic" liver; 2 showed diffuse heterogeneous involvement with duct dilatation and calculus. Doppler showed prominent intraglandular vessels, with no evidence of displacement. Focal lesions (2 of 11) were seen as hypoechoic, heterogeneous "masses," with a radial branching vascular pattern within, on Doppler. In conclusion, sonographic features may help in identifying Kuttner tumours of the submandibular glands.