Eighty-three patients with radiographically opaque renal stones were evaluated prospectively with ultrasound and compared to KUB (kidneys, ureters, bladder) with tomograms (KUB/T) to further define the use of ultrasound in the evaluation of renal calculi. The presence or absence and the size, number, and location of stones were analyzed and correlated for each modality. Ultrasound detected the presence of renal stones in 77 of 83 (93%) patients. However, all of the stones were detected on ultrasound in only 60% of these patients. Thirty percent (80 of 269) of the papillary-calyceal stones seen on KUB/T were missed on US; 66% of the stones missed measured 2 mm or less. Although ultrasound can be used for detection of intrarenal stones, KUB/T is a more accurate imaging examination for determination of size and number of small stones.