Aims: h-TERT is the keystone gene in controlling telomerase expression under the modulation of many associated genes. Our study was designed to observe the concordant expression of the telomerase associated genes in NSCLC (non-small cell lung cancer).
Methods: Between January 1999 and December 1999, 78 NSCLC patients were studied. The telomerase activity was measured by TRAP (telomeric repeat amplification protocol) assay, and the associated genes (h-TERT, h-TERC, TP1, c-Myc, TRF1, and TRF2) were detected using RT-PCR method.
Results: Positive telomerase activity was identified in 47 (60.3%) patients. Expression of the h-TERT, h-TERC, TP1, c-Myc, TRF1 and TRF2 genes were observed in 66.6, 92.3, 100.0, 91.0, 74.4 and 83.3% of the tumor tissues, respectively. Higher expression of the telomerase activity was found in advanced T-status (p=0.0265), and late TNM stages (p=0.0497) patients. In addition to the tumor tissue itself (p<0.0001), higher telomerase expression rates were observed in positive h-TERT (p<0.0001), and positive TRF1 (p=0.003) tumor tissues compared to their normal counterparts. Furthermore, h-TERT expression was closely related to the TRF1 (p=0.003), TRF2 (p=0.024), and c-Myc (p=0.042) expression.
Conclusions: Our data demonstrate that expression of the telomerase activity can be observed in the majority of NSCLC tumor tissues, and is also closely related to the T-status and TNM stage of the tumor. h-TERT expression and subsequent telomerase activation leads to telomere repair under modulation by the TRF1, TRF2 and c-Myc genes.