Purpose: To describe a technique for suturing a luxated intraocular lens (IOL) in the vitreous cavity directly to the ciliary sulcus using intraocular slipknot without IOL extraction.
Design: Noncomparative interventional case series.
Materials and methods: A three-port vitrectomy was performed in all cases. According to the Lewis procedure, two scleral flaps and relative sclerectomies were performed at 3 and 9 o'clock position. IOL was rescued from vitreous cavity by means of perfluorocarbon and stabilized in anterior chamber by intravitreal forceps. Corneal endothelium was preserved by a dispersive ophthalmic viscosurgical device coating. Double armed 10-0 polypropylene was introduced into the vitreous cavity through the 9 o'clock sclerotomy incision and both the needles were passed out of the eye by the 3-o'clock position sclerotomy, guided by a bent 27-gauge needle 1.5 mm from the limbus. Hooking the slipknot around the haptics of the IOL in the anterior chamber by means of vitreous forceps, the 10-0 polypropylene was pulled so that the IOL haptic was fixated onto the sulcus. The same procedure was used to fixate the opposite haptic to the ciliary sulcus at the opposite position.
Results: In all four cases, the IOL fixated stably and remained well positioned. No significant intraoperative or postoperative complications occurred.
Conclusions: This technique enables secure fixation of the luxated IOL in the vitreous without extracting it.