The TATA-binding protein, TBP, is used by all three RNA polymerases and is therefore central to the process of gene expression. TBP associates with several subsets of proteins, called TATA-binding protein-associated factors (TAFs). This results in the formation of at least three distinct complexes, SL1, TFIID, and TFIIIB, which dictates whether TBP functions in RNA polymerase (pol) I, pol II, or pol III transcription, respectively. The regulation of gene expression has focused largely on proteins that serve to modulate the efficiency by which the general transcription components, such as TBP, interact with promoters. The possibility of a basal transcription factor, itself, being regulated, and influencing cellular homeostasis, has not been extensively considered. However, recent studies have indicated that TBP is indeed regulated, and that modulation of its cellular concentration has a profound, and surprisingly selective, impact on gene expression that can mediate the normal proliferative responses of cells to growth stimuli as well as the transformation potential of cells.