The 1256-base pair enhancer-promoter of the mouse muscle creatine kinase gene includes three CAnnTG E-boxes that are conserved among mammals and have flanking and middle sequences conforming to consensus muscle regulatory factor binding sites. This study seeks to determine whether these E-boxes are critical for muscle creatine kinase expression in physiologically distinct muscles. Mutations of the "right" and "left" E-boxes in the enhancer decreased expression in cultured skeletal myocytes approximately 10- and 2-fold, respectively, whereas a "promoter" E-box mutation had little effect. In neonatal myocardiocytes, the left E-box mutation decreased expression approximately 3-fold, whereas right or promoter E-box mutations had no effect. Very different effects were seen in transgenic mice, where the promoter E-box mutation decreased expression in quadriceps, extensor digitorum longus, and soleus approximately 10-fold, and approximately 100-fold in distal tongue, diaphragm, and ventricle. The right E-box mutation, tested in the presence of the other two mutations, caused a significant decrease in distal tongue, but not in quadriceps, extensor digitorum longus, soleus, or ventricle. Mutation of the left E-box actually raised expression in soleus, suggesting a possible repressor role for this control element. The discrepancies between mutation effects in differentiating skeletal muscle cultures, neonatal myocardiocytes, and adult mice suggested that the E-boxes might play different roles during muscle development and adult steady-state function. However, transgenic analysis of embryonic and early postnatal mice indicated no positive role for these three E-boxes in early development, implying that differences in E-box function between adult muscle and cultured cells are the result of physiological signals.