The technique of interposed vein grafts (Lymphatic-Venous-Lymphatic Plasty: LVLA) consists in using autologous vein grafts to reconstruct lymphatic pathways where there is a block to the lymphatic circulation of the limb due to a congenital or acquired reason. The venous segment represents a sort of "bridge" between afferent and efferent lymphatic collectors. The study aims at evaluating long-term results of the treatment of peripheral lymphoedemas by the microsurgical reconstructive technique of LVLA. The results proved to be positive also in the long term after microsurgical operation. The follow-up was performed by water volumetry and isotopic lymphography. This technique of interposed vein grafts allows peripheral lymphoedemas to be treated when derivative lympho-venous shunts can not be used due to an impaired venous circulation in the same lymphoedematous limb.