For the first time, the nickel site of the hydrogen sensor of Ralstonia eutropha, the regulatory [NiFe] hydrogenase (RH), was investigated by X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) at the nickel K-edge. The oxidation state and the atomic structure of the Ni site were investigated in the RH in the absence (air-oxidized, RH(ox)) and presence of hydrogen (RH(+H2)). Incubation with hydrogen is found to cause remarkable changes in the spectroscopic properties. The Ni-C EPR signal, indicative of Ni(III), is detectable only in the RH(+H2) state. XANES and EXAFS spectra indicate a coordination of the Ni in the RH(ox) and RH(+H2) that pronouncedly differs from the one in standard [NiFe] hydrogenases. Also, the changes induced by exposure to H(2) are unique. A drastic modification in the XANES spectra and an upshift of the K-edge energy from 8339.8 (RH(ox)) to 8341.1 eV (RH(+H2)) is observed. The EXAFS spectra indicate a change in the Ni coordination in the RH upon exposure to H(2). One likely interpretation of the data is the detachment of one sulfur ligand in RH(+H2) and the binding of additional (O,N) or H ligands. The following Ni oxidation states and coordinations are proposed: five-coordinated Ni(II)(O,N)(2)S(3) for RH(ox) and six-coordinated Ni((III))(O,N)(3)X(1)S(2) [X being either an (O,N) or H ligand] for RH(+H2). Implications of the structural features of the Ni site of the RH in relation to its function, hydrogen sensing, are discussed.