Peripheral neuropathy is an important and disabling side-effect of cisplatin treatment. A new drug, Org 2766, has been found to prevent this neuropathy up to 1 month after treatment. A group of 18 patients with ovarian cancer, who participated in an earlier randomized study with placebo or Org 2766, together with cisplatin and cyclophophamide, were thereafter prospectively followed up to 2 years after discontinuation of treatment to monitor the development of neurological signs and symptoms and vibration perception threshold (VPT). Exploratory, descriptive data analysis shows that between 1 and 4 months after the last cycle the average sum score for neurological signs and symptoms and VPT had deteriorated compared with 1 month after treatment. Thereafter a gradual but incomplete improvement was seen between 4-12 and 12-24 months after treatment. These changes were seen in all patients regardless of previous treatment with Org 2766 or placebo, but deterioration was less pronounced in patients previously treated with Org 2766. These results suggests that treatment with Org 2766 to prevent a cisplatin-induced neuropathy should possibly be continued up to 4 months after the last cycle of cisplatin.