Lipoprotein Lp(a) was isolated by immunoaffinity chromatography using anti apolipoprotein B and anti apolipoprotein (a) immunosorbents. Besides apolipoproteins (a) and B, this fraction was shown to contain apolipoproteins C and E. Therefore, it was decided to further purify this crude Lp(a) into particles containing apolipoprotein E and particles free of apo E, using chromatography with an anti apolipoprotein E immunosorbent. Lp(a), free of apolipoprotein E was cholesterol ester rich and triacylglycerol poor and was found mainly in the LDL size range. In contrast, Lp(a) containing apolipoprotein E was triacylglycerol rich and was distributed mainly in the VLDL and IDL size range. Binding of these two fractions, one containing apo E and one free of it, to the apo B/E receptor of HeLa cells was studied. Both fractions bound to the receptor but the one containing apo E had a better affinity than the one free of apo E. Further studies are needed to identify the clinical importance of these two different entities.