A 30-year-old female at 27 weeks' gestation, was hospitalized on September 24 1990 because of the premature rupture of the amniotic sac. She underwent Caesarean section on the same day with 700 ml blood loss, but no blood transfusion was required. For several days after the operation, her hemoglobin level remained 7.8 g/dl and did not increase significantly in spite of parenteral iron therapy. On the 9th postoperative day, chills and pyrexia developed with leukopenia. Bone-marrow aspiration revealed severe erythroblastopenia with giant proerythroblasts, suggesting recent HPV infection, which was confirmed by the presence of anti-HPV IgM and HPV antigen by ELISA. The hemoglobin level gradually decreased to 6.0 g/dl by the 21st day, then began to increase rapidly. The serum of acute-phase containing HPV antigens inhibited BFU-E and CFU-E but not CFU-GM. The serum of convalescent-phase inhibited neither erythroid colony growth nor myeloid colony growth. These results indicate that the inhibitory effect of HPV in colony assay is highly specific for erythropoiesis and that HPV play a role in transient cessation of erythropoiesis. The reason, however, for leukopenia in HPV infection remained unclear. This case shows that HPV infection may induce severe hematological disorders even in normal person under erythropoietic stress.