We compared the incidence of clinical CMV illness in 25 renal transplant recipients treated with OKT3 for steroid resistant cellular rejection with 88 renal transplant patients treated only with conventional immunosuppression (cyclosporin A and steroids). Nine (36%) patients in the OKT3 group developed CMV illness compared to (2.3%) amongst those treated conventionally (p < 0.0005). Patients who received OKT3 were divided into four groups according to the CMV antibody status of the donor and recipient. Six of the 9 episodes of CMV infection occurred in patients not previously exposed to CMV, who received a kidney from a CMV positive donor. Three (12%) of the patients treated with OKT3 died of CMV disease. A further 2 patients died of other causes giving an overall mortality in the OKT3 treated group of 20%. We concluded that when OKT3 therapy is used in association with donor/recipient CMV mismatch it is associated with a high CMV morbidity and mortality.