Practical choices of fast spin echo pulse sequence parameters: clinically useful proton density and T2-weighted contrasts

Neuroradiology. 1992;35(1):38-41. doi: 10.1007/BF00588276.


With the development of fast spin echo (FSE) MRI techniques, T2-weighted images of the brain may be obtained much more quickly than when using conventional spin echo techniques (CSE), because made the individual echoes on the FSE pulse sequence are phase encoded, allowing acquisition of the same spatial information as in CSE with less excitations. The pulse sequence parameters (echo train length, bandwidth, echo spacing) are discussed. Images were obtained on four volunteers using both CSE and FSE while varying repetition time, echo time and matrix. Comparison for signal intensity gray-white differentiation, fat and CSE signal, arifacts and vascular resolution showed that FSE images comparable in quality to those of CSE can be obtained in less than half the time. A practical choice of FSE parameters is recommended for clinical use. However, artifacts, possibly related to CSF and vascular pulsation, of which the radiologist should be aware, were identified on the FSE images.

MeSH terms

  • Artifacts
  • Basilar Artery / anatomy & histology
  • Brain / anatomy & histology*
  • Brain / blood supply
  • Brain Stem / anatomy & histology
  • Caudate Nucleus / anatomy & histology
  • Cerebral Ventricles / anatomy & histology
  • Cerebrospinal Fluid
  • Humans
  • Image Enhancement / methods*
  • Magnetic Resonance Imaging / methods*
  • Medulla Oblongata / anatomy & histology
  • Protons
  • Signal Processing, Computer-Assisted
  • Vertebral Artery / anatomy & histology


  • Protons