The authors are presenting a retrospective study on 218 retrosternal goiters operated between 1968 and 1991. 33% of the goiters were incidentally discovered on a plain X-ray of the chest. Symptoms of compression were present in 50.5% of patients and hyperthyroidism in 16.5%. Respiratory manifestations were more frequent and more severe in patients aged 70 and more. Moreover 90% of those old patients were symptomatic. Goiters migrated anteriorly in 57.7% of cases, posteriorly in 33.9%, both anteriorly and posteriorly in 5.5%. Type of migration was unknown in 2.5%. 3.7% were malignant. 27 patients with respiratory symptoms received corticosteroids to reduce the airway compression. Among 52 patients with hyperthyroidism, 36 were given antithyroid drugs. Among them, some received corticosteroid drugs in order to reduce risks of mediastinal compression. A simple cervicotomy was adequate in 92.7% of case and was completed by sternotomy in 7.3%. The operation was iterative for relapsing or forgotten thoracic goiters in 24 cases. Morbidity was slight even for sternotomized patients. Mortality was noted in 2 cases (0.9%) one of them operated on for poorly-differentiated and suffocating carcinoma of the thyroid. We advise a straightforward surgical attitude as a result of the slight morbidity and mortality, even in sternotomized patients in order to avoid severe compressive complications of the airways.