From 1982 to 1990, cytogenetic studies were successfully conducted in 2,975 (96.19%) of the 3,096 pregnant women who underwent amniocentesis. The average maternal age was 33.7 years and the average gestational age was 18.1 weeks. Common indications of amniocentesis included advanced maternal age (AMA) (54.76%), previous fetus with chromosomal aberrations (6.82%) or gross anomalies (5.01%), intrauterine gross anomaly (4.97%) and maternal exposure to drugs or radiation (5.28%). Among the 89 cases (2.99%) with detected chromosomal aberrations, 53 were numeric (31 trisomies, 21 sex chromosome aberrations and one tripoidy) and 36 were structural (six de novo and 30 hereditary structural rearrangement). The incidence of chromosomal aberrations was 2.03% in cases with AMA. While only four of the 143 cases with previous fetal trisomy 21 had recurrence, the recurrent rate was 90.91% in 11 cases with previous fetal chromosomal translocation. Thirty (20.27%) of the 148 cases with abnormal sonograms showed chromosomal aberrations. Certain congenital anomalies are closely associated with cytogenetic changes: duodenal atresia and trisomy 21; cystic hygroma and 45,X; and polyhydramnios and trisomy 18. Only two of the 157 cases with indications of drug or radiation exposure had abnormal cytogenetic studies. Two of the 53 cases with detected numerical aberrations (47,XXY and 47,XXX) and 27 cases with hereditary structural rearrangement elected to continue their pregnancies. All of these babies were delivered without gross anomalies. This study suggests that for prenatal diagnosis. However, complementary measures, such as routine antenatal ultrasound and maternal serum alphafetoprotein, should be added to increase the efficacy of genetic amniocentesis.