Objective: To study the safety of intravenously administered porcine-derived hyperimmune immunoglobulin to HIV-1, PASSHIV-1, in humans.
Methods: Fourteen HIV-1-infected individuals were treated for 5-7 days with intravenous infusions of highly purified PASSHIV-1 (> 95% pure). Two of the 14 patients were retreated 3 months later with PASSHIV-1 for an additional 5 days to evaluate side-effects from retreatment with porcine immunoglobulins.
Results: Ten of the patients had no side-effects from PASSHIV-1 therapy. Three patients experienced transient urticarial eruptions, which responded to antihistamine administration and did not require discontinuation of therapy. One patient, who received concomitant administration of human gammaglobulin, experienced serum sickness (type 3 hypersensitivity reaction). All patients demonstrated a significant improvement in fatigue (100% response), weight (all those with previous weight loss gained weight), fever (100% response), polyneuropathy (100% response), bronchitis (100% response), candidiasis (100% response), diarrhea (100% response), and dermatitis (100% response). One out of the five patients with Kaposi's sarcoma demonstrated > 50% improvement. Mean CD4+ cell counts in the group rose from 143 +/- 263 to 234 +/- 323 x 10(6)/l 4-6 months following completion of therapy (P = 0.013, paired Student's t-test); CD4+ counts rose > twofold in six individuals. p24 antigen, present in four patients, was negative following therapy in all patients. Other laboratory parameters that responded to therapy included: platelet counts (71% response), leukopenia (57% response), elevated lactic dehydrogenase (100% response), and elevated alkaline phosphatase (100% response). PASSHIV-1 was well tolerated by HIV-1-infected individuals.
Conclusion: This therapy appears to be efficacious in ameliorating some of the clinical aspects and symptoms of HIV-1 infection.