Circulating acute-phase proteins may mediate adverse reactions in patients receiving biologic response modifiers, including inhibition of immune responsiveness and clinical toxic effects. Nine patients with unresectable head and neck squamous cell carcinoma were prospectively examined for levels of acute-phase proteins during interleukin 2/interferon alfa immunotherapy and for clinical toxic effects. Simultaneous determination of the in vitro immunomodulatory capacity of autologous serum on the induction of lymphokine-activated killer cells was assessed in 4-hour chromium release assays. Of the seven acute-phase proteins analyzed, haptoglobin and C-reactive protein levels were elevated before therapy was started. Toxic events leading to cessation of interleukin 2/interferon alfa therapy had a high correlation with elevated C-reactive protein and lowered C3 component of complement levels. No relationship was noted between serum levels of acute-phase proteins and induction inhibition of lymphokine-activated killer cell cytotoxicity. The role of C-reactive protein and complement degradation products in mediating interleukin 2/interferon alfa toxicity requires further investigation.