Minced human tonsils were digested with DNase and collagenase, and lymphoid cell-depleted low density cells were cultured and grown in granulocyte-macrophage-CSF. Large, morphologically homogenous adherent cells with elongated extensions grew continuously in culture. These nonphagocytic cells appear to be related to follicular dendritic cell (FDC) as they do not have properties of monocytic lineage cells or dendritic cells and because, like FDC, 1) they express CD11b, CD14, CD29, CD40, CD54, CD73, CD74, and VCAM-1, and do not express CD11c, CD22, T cell markers, CD18, CD25 and CD45; and 2) they bind human B lymphocytes and B cell lines, but not T lymphocytes by an adhesion blocked in part by mAb to VLA-4 (CD49d). The cultured FDC also augmented B cell proliferation stimulated by anti-mu sera and/or CD40 mAb. Cultured FDC spontaneously produced low levels of IL-6, but did not produce IL-1 alpha or TNF-alpha; however, after treatment with either IFN-gamma or LPS, they produced more IL-6. The expression of CD54 (ICAM-1) was elevated by treating the cultured FDC with either TNF-alpha, IL-1 beta, IFN-gamma or granulocyte-macrophage-CSF; in contrast, IL-4 had no effect on CD54 but rather up-regulated expression of VCAM-1. IFN-gamma, unlike the other cytokines tested, increased expression of a set of markers on cultured FDC (CD54, VCAM-1, and CD14) and converted these class II-negative cells into class II+ cells. The fact that various T cell-derived cytokines have different effects on FDC suggests that the T cell products may influence the manner by which FDC stimulate B cell proliferation and maturation.