Existence of biphenotypic leukemias co-expressing CD7 and CD34 has prompted the question of whether a similar population of cells is present in normal human bone marrow. As CD7 is considered to be a T cell-restricted Ag, the co-expression of CD7 with the "human stem cell Ag" CD34 may identify a bipotent stage within hemopoietic differentiation. Cells with this phenotype have previously been isolated from human thymus. In this report we provide evidence that human marrow mononuclear cells also contain a minor subpopulation of cells co-expressing CD7 and CD34. The CD7+/CD34+ cells were found to contain committed myeloid progenitors assayed both as CFU in semi-solid media and by their ability to produce granulocytes in long term marrow cultures. Expression of CD7 on myeloid committed progenitors was further confirmed in a C-mediated cytotoxic assay. We conclude that CD7 expression is not restricted to T cells but is also expressed during early stages of myeloid differentiation.