From January 1989 to June 1991, 18 patients ranging in age from 19 to 41 (mean 34) years with testicular tumor were examined. 14 patients had seminoma (11 typical and 3 spermatocytic) and 4 patients had a mixed form (2 seminoma + embryonal tumor and 2 seminoma + teratocarcinoma). Serum levels of beta-human chorionic gonadotropin and alpha-fetoprotein from peripheral venous blood and from spermatic venous vessel were evaluated in every patient. All patients with seminoma and in a patient with mixed tumor (seminoma + embryonal tumor) the markers were regular. The increase of the markers was found in the peripheral and in spermatic blood of 3 patients (2 seminoma + embryonal carcinoma and 1 seminoma + teratocarcinoma). For these reasons the values of spermatic vessels are an important confirmation of the level of peripheral markers.