A 59-year-old male was admitted to our hospital in Jan. 1991 with complaints of general malaise and palpitation. Laboratory findings on admission showed anemia, thrombocytopenia and leukopenia consisted of 2.0% myeloblasts with Auerbodies. The bone marrow study showed granuloid hyperplasia with 45.5% myeloblasts. The diagnosis of acute myeloblastic leukemia (M1) was made. After BHAC-AMP therapy, he obtained complete remission. However, he complained of fever and cough, and his chest X ray film showed a focal infiltrative shadow in the right upper lung field. Antibiotics for bacteria and fungus were administered and the abnormal shadow improved in a week. However, as he had hemosputum, the bronchoscopic examination was performed, and multiple ulcers covered by yellow-white tissue were revealed on the wall of the trachea and bilateral main bronchi. Biopsy specimens obtained by transbronchial biopsy showed bronchial aspergillosis. Though intravenous infusion and inhalation of amphotericin B were effective for aspergillosis, he had a relapse of the leukemia and died in autumn, 1991.