We investigated the role of atrial natriuretic factor (ANF) in the down-regulation of sodium excretion (UNaV). Seven subjects were sequentially studied while ingesting a normal-salt diet (220 mmol NaCl/day, NSD), a very low-salt diet (20 mmol NaCl/day, VLSD) for six days, and again at NSD for nine days. After one day of VLSD, a negative salt balance of 85 mmol was achieved and plasma ANF decreased from 19.1 (SE 2.5) to 7.2 (SE 2.1) pg/ml, whereas plasma renin activity (PRA) and plasma aldosterone (ALD) increased after the third and second day, respectively. During restoration of volemia (NSD), ANF increased after the third day; in contrast, PRA and ALD decreased earlier. Seven other subjects kept at low-salt diet (50 mmol NaCl/day) were studied during ANF infusion (at 2, 4, 8 ng/min/kg body wt). Increases of ANF from 10.3 (SE 0.9) pg/ml (basal condition) to levels of 24.0 (SE 1.9) pg/ml (infusion study), occurring physiologically in the same subjects after NSD, evoked increases in UNa V that accounted for 62% of UNa V rise necessary to balance the NSD, whereas PRA or ALD did not change. Plasma ANF, unlike PRA or ALD, was directly correlated with UNa V.
In conclusion: (a) ANF changes earlier than PRA and plasma aldosterone during VLSD; (b) PRA and ALD respond more promptly than ANF in the recovery from hypovolemia; (c) during ingestion of a low-salt diet, changes in plasma ANF by infusion account for more than half the increase in UNa V following the shift from low- to normal-salt diet independently of alterations in PRA and ALD.