Angiotensin II (Ang II) binding sites in adrenal glands of nephrectomized rats were investigated by in vitro autoradiography using 125I-[Sar1,Ile8]Ang II as ligands. Ang II binding site was increased to 161% in the cortex and decreased to 67% in the medulla 48 h after nephrectomy. In the medulla, the AT2 antagonist (PD123177, 5 microM) inhibited specific binding by 90% whereas the AT1 antagonist (DuP753, 5 microM) inhibited by only 10%. In contrast, in the cortex, neither DuP753 (5 microM) nor PD123177 (5 microM) substantially inhibited the binding. Binding in the presence of either the AT1 or AT2 antagonist was abolished by the simultaneous presence of both antagonists. These results suggest the presence of a new Ang II binding site with unique pharmacological properties and differing from currently known subtypes of Ang II receptors, in the adrenal cortex after nephrectomy.