To determine whether the anti-insulin effect of epinephrine is due to a direct antagonism on target tissues or is mediated by indirect mechanisms (systemic substrate and/or hormone changes), insulin and epinephrine were infused intrabrachially in five normal volunteers using the forearm perfusion technique. Insulin (2.5 mU/min) was infused alone for 90 minutes and in combination with epinephrine (25 ng/min) for an additional 90 minutes, so as to increase the local concentrations of these hormones to physiological levels (60 to 75 microU/mL and 200 to 250 pg/mL for insulin and epinephrine, respectively). Systemic plasma glucose and free fatty acids (FFA) concentrations remained stable at their basal values during local hormone infusion. Forearm glucose uptake (FGU) increased in response to insulin alone from 0.8 +/- 0.2 mg.L-1.min-1 to 4.3 +/- 0.8. Addition of epinephrine completely abolished the insulin effect on FGU, which returned to its preinfusion value (0.7 +/- 0.2). Forearm lactate release was slightly increased by insulin alone, but rose markedly on addition of epinephrine (from 5.2 +/- 0.8 mumol.L-1.min-1 to 17 +/- 2; P less than .02). During infusion of insulin alone, forearm FFA release (FFR) decreased significantly from the postabsorptive value of 1.76 +/- 0.25 mumol.L-1.min-1 to 1.05 +/- 0.11 (P less than .01). Epinephrine addition reverted insulin suppression of FFR, which returned to values slightly above baseline (2.06 +/- 0.47 mumol.L-1.min-1; P less than .05 v insulin alone). The data demonstrate that epinephrine is able to antagonize directly insulin action on forearm tissues with respect to both stimulation of glucose uptake and inhibition of FFA mobilization.