A novel testis-expressed Zn finger gene (ZNF76) was identified by screening cDNA libraries with cosmids derived from 6p21. ZNF76 is a member of the GLI-Krüppel family of DNA binding proteins. It is conserved in mouse where transcription in testis is initiated at Day 20 after birth. The mouse tcp-11 gene is located in the distal inversion of the t-complex and is developmentally regulated in the same manner as ZNF76. The human homolog of tcp-11 was isolated to allow a precise chromosomal localization. By using a combination of somatic cell hybrids, radiation hybrids, metaphase and interphase fluorescent in situ hybridization, and pulsed-field gel electrophoresis, we mapped the two genes to the 6p21.2 to 6p21.3 region and linked them to each other within 300 kb of DNA, approximately 2 Mb centromeric to the major histocompatibility complex.