1. During chewing, a small part of the observed muscle activity is needed for the basic open-close movements of the mandible, and much additional muscle activity (AMA) is needed to overcome the resistance of the food. In chewing cycles in which a counteracting force is expected, the AMA is mainly generated by peripheral induction with a latency of approximately 23 ms. It was investigated whether an open-loop or closed-loop mechanism is involved in the control of the AMA in these cycles. 2. Subjects made rhythmic open-close movements at their natural chewing frequency controlled by a metronome. Food resistance was simulated by an external force, acting on the jaw in a downward direction during part of the closing movement. Sequences of cycles with a force were unexpectedly alternated with sequences of cycles with a different force. The force changed from 19 to 0 N and vice versa, and from 25 to 6 N and vice versa. Jaw movement and surface electromyogram of the masseter, temporalis, and suprahyoid muscles on both sides were recorded during cycles before and after the transition from one force condition to another. 3. The movement trajectory and AMA of the second and following cycles with a new force appeared to be similar. Thus adaptation to the changed circumstances occurred within two open-close cycles. 4. In the first cycle with 0 or 6 N in the 19----0 N and 25----6 N experiments respectively, a large part of the AMA had disappeared. The AMA in this cycle started to differ from the AMA in the previous cycle approximately 23 ms after the moment the force in this cycle started to differ from the previous cycle. 5. In the first cycle with 19 or 25 N in the reverse experiments, the AMA increased 120-136 ms after the moment the force in this cycle started to differ from the previous cycle. 6. During the closing phase of each open-close cycle, no muscle activity of the suprahyoid muscles was observed; thus co-contraction with the elevator muscles did not occur. 7. It was concluded that the AMA is under control of a closed-loop mechanism with a latency of approximately 23 ms. However, the reflex output has a maximum, depending on information about the food resistance gained in previous cycles.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)