From 1983 to 1990, the number of AIDS deaths in France (8119 deaths overall), increased substnatially but the annual rate of progression has fallen since 1987 (+35% in 1990). The socio-demographic characteristics of the deaths remained quite steady with the exception of the proportion of subjects living in Paris which decreased. The proportion of AIDS deaths out of all deaths is still low for the entire population (5 deaths out of 1000 in 1990) but appears important in some sub-groups. In 1990, AIDS represents for the 25-34 years old group, 12 deaths out of 100 for males and 7 deaths out of 100 for females and for the 25-44 years old group, 15 deaths out of 100 for nonmarried males and 4 deaths out of 10 for males working in an information or artistic profession. Furthermore, it accounts, in 1989, for the third of the deaths of males between 25 and 44 years living in Paris. The analyse tends to show that there is not an important under-declaration of AIDS deaths in France.